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On-Line Advertising:

The Daily Sitka Sentinel offers two (2) ad sizes at sitkasentinel.com — 728 x 90 pixels and 150 x 400 pixels.
Advertisers who wish to create their own ads may do so, but must conform to the requirements. Ads may be in either JPG, GIF, or animated GIF formats, and size of submitted files must not exceed 75 Kb.
For more information about advertising at sitkasentinel.com, contact the advertising department.

Advertising Rates:

Banner Ad
$115 / Month
Skyscraper Ad
$80 / Month


Display Advertising:

Charged advertising is billed monthly for all space used during the preceding month. Payment in full is due by the 15th of the month.

We accept VISA and MasterCard. All rates subject to city sales tax.

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January 2005

Sitka Fire Department volunteer David Lewis received the Art Franklin Memorial award as an “exceptional dedicated member of the year” and volunteer Brady Fink was given the Mike Snelling Volunteer of the Year Award at the department’s annual meeting.


January 1975

From On the Go: Ray Minstrell told us with a straight face that he and wife Nondyce are going to Hawaii this week. But then, Ray also has told us that he rides a bicycle the length of Katlian Street every morning at 6 a.m.


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